Fanime Round-Up Part the First
If there was one thing I could say about this year’s Fanime, I think it would be awesome. There was so many awesome things going on this year. I must say that I was more than glad that I made it this year. There has been so many amazing things to happen, I’ll do my best to discuss them here.
But let me start with the very beginning, waiting in line on Thursday to get my pre-registered badge for the weekend. We decided to pick up our badges on Thursday night so we wouldn’t have to wait in line like we did last year. Last year there was a 3 hour wait just to get our badges on Friday night… largely because of the power outage on Thursday night.
Well, I think I’ve stood in my record line. It took us 6 hours and stood in a total of 6 lines in order to get badges. This is, by far, the longest I have ever spent in line for anything. Before that was last year when I waited 4 hours to see Community.
It was a bear of a night. We got there about 30 minutes before registration opened. By the time we were finished, I was ready to sleep. However, we managed to make a great many jokes while waiting in line, including talking about how this line was created by Cthulhu in an attempt to make humans prepared to be eaten. It was so bad and we were so hungry/tired that we started calling it Lineageddeon.
Once we were out of line and had our badges, we were ready to get some sleep. Which is what happened about 30 minutes after we got home.
Friday started about preparing some food to take with (since there is not many gluten-free eating establishments near the San Jose Convention Center) as well as packing. Once we got the car packed and made our rounds to the market and Beverages and More we finally made our way to the Con and our home away from home for the weekend. We took our dogs with us as the hotel we were in was dog friendly.
Once we finally settled in, we had dinner at one of the few gluten-free restaurants in the area. It was nice to have a dinner where it was just the two of us. It’s nice to take the time to reconnect since we don’t really do that all that often.
After dinner we went to a panel that was dealing with the fashion of Tokyo as done by h.naoto.
It was very interesting. It was part fashion show, part showing the latest season and other fashion shows, part letting us know what they had in stock. More than anything, I enjoyed seeing the fashions. h.naoto’s clothing is amazing and in many ways is delicate. It can be tricky to put on because of all the elements. I also enjoy a good fashion show, especially if it gives me a chance to get up close to see the finer detail of the clothing. It really was pretty amazing.
After the fashion show we made our way back to the room for the night. I was disappointed that there was no yaoi (boy on boy) or yuri (girl on girl) to watch this year. I’m not sure why they decided to not do it this year, but I missed having something to do other than hentai. I’m not a huge fan of going into the hentai room for plenty of reasons including the overall odor (any time you have a room packed with people generating heat, you’re going to have an odor), the fact that it’s packed largely with single, geeky males. Standing outside of the room on the other hand is hilarious… especially the fact that they go in every now and then they go in to do a “hand check”.
Because there was no real alternate to yaoi or yuri, we found our friends in the swap meet and talked for quite a long time. After that it was back to the room and back to sleep.