Comic Con, Day 0: Going to Comic Con, Going to Comic Con or the Not-So Epic Journey to San Diego pt. 2
I will say this, I was grateful to be over the Grapevine when we finally made it. It meant that a good part of the drive south was done. Once we made it over the Grapevine, I started counting the miles until we made it to Burbank, and Story Tavern.
I read an article at the beginning of the year about a largely gluten-free tavern in Burbank. They had a good amount of gluten-free food as well as ciders. We decided to stop off there for a spot of lunch… at about 1:30.
I had read an article a few months prior to heading to Comic Con about a gluten-free tavern by the name of Story Tavern. I was super-excited about it because I knew that it would be difficult to find anything like it. Pub food, good cider selection, a restaurant ran by someone who understands why cross-contamination of gluten is bad. There was plenty of awesome finger foods available that were gluten-free (Totchos for the win). I was disappointed that they didn’t have gluten-free pasta and hadn’t figured out how to make gluten-free macaroni and cheese. The food was still excellent, I just wish they had gluten-free mac n cheese.
Lunch was excellent. In many ways I wish that we had one closer to us up here.
Afterwards, it was back on the road for the rest of the trip to San Diego… and to attempt to get our badges.
The drive itself was largely uneventful. However, there was some pretty epic traffic in east LA. Apparently that area between Anaheim and… I believe downtown LA is pretty slow-go at all times of the day.
Which mean that delayed our arrival time in San Diego. However, it wasn’t the only place that delayed our arrival. Apparently the racing season had just started in San Diego as well. That also caused some of the traffic,
After about a good 8 hours on the road, we were just hoping to wait in a decent line to pick up our badges. After all, nothing could be worse than Lineagedeon at Fanime, right?
While it wasn’t a 6 hour wait, waiting in a barely moving car line was far worse than Lineagedeon (to which I first referred to here). At least standing in line for 6 hours you don’t have to worry about things like running out of gas or your car overheating. In many ways, that was worse.
Our car decided to let us know when we were waiting in line, incapable of moving somewhere else so we could get gas. It let us know that it was low on gas. As soon as we could move around the bulk of the traffic, we headed out to get gas and decided to get our badges early the next morning.
Instead, we got tasty gluten-free Mexican food in Old Town San Diego.
After a quick dinner we finally headed over to my friend’s house, where we were staying. We passed by the exit we were waiting to get our badges before… and it was still pretty bad at about 6 or 7 PM.
We headed over to my friend’s house to have a great conversation, a drink or two then sleep before heading to the Convention Center for day 1 of Comic Con.