Sometimes I Wonder…
… When will this end. Or rather I keep hoping that the end will come sooner than later. Unfortunately, I’m still dealing with a lot of back pain. I would say that I’m surprised that it’s still pretty intense pain, but back pain is funny that way. It still interrupts my sleep and makes it so I don’t want to hit the hay earlier.
On top of that, I’ve been dealing with serious nausea issues. I’m not entirely sure why, but I haven’t really wanted to eat. Maybe it’s psychological manifesting itself physically. I don’t know. That is a distinct possibility. Perhaps it’s my body’s way of saying I need vacation.
I’ve also been dealing with issue like depression and PTSD due to when I was raped when I was 13 and the subsequent wish for death and suicide attempts. Somehow they have seeped their way back into my consciousness. I’ve tried to keep it in check, and I do so successfully when I need to. I have a feeling that this is something that I may need to write out on order for me to work on processing it more.
I do want to get back to my geeky writing and sharing the short story that I’ve created. I hope to have the mental bandwidth to do it again soon.
Hopefully I’ll be able to share more with you all soon enough.
Until then!