The Week in Preview
It’s Monday fun day once again, which means it’s also time for the week in preview.
This weekend wound up being much busier than I had anticipated. Friday was gobbled up by an unfortunate doctor’s appointment (unfortunate in the sense that I had to go). Saturday was spent coordinating volunteers for 13 hours… But when it was all said and done, it was a pretty awesome event. That leaves one real day to unwind and think.
So, what am I going to write about this week? That’s a good question.
I might finally sit myself down and write my review for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I’m going to write about the importance of downtime for introverts.
Unfortunately, the short story will be taking another break as I’m starting to catch up with what I’ve written.
I’m not quite sure what else I’m going write about, but I will write about something… even if it’s simply a nonsense sentence like purple monkey dishwasher.
Until tomorrow!