Monday, Monday
Here I am, back after my vacation.
Though, I will admit, it wasn’t much of a vacation. I wound up being fed two things that would make me horribly ill. One that would last one day, the other I’m still dealing with and it has put me in great amounts of pain. So… I didn’t really have an enjoyable birthday. I’m going to have a re-do, without the extra time off once I’m no longer hurting.
My sleep schedule was also messed with. Because of processing out what’s making me sick, I feel tired a lot. Since this wasn’t a trace amount, this is taking more time and is more work. I’m hoping that this is finished soon. I’m tired of the pain and the tired.
I did have 2 high points though. I’m hoping that this isn’t a show of what a pain the next year will be. I’m hoping this is a painful recap and that everything else will be much happier. Frankly, I really need it now.
So… what do I plan on for this week?
I might have to call this week largely a wash. I’m trying to handle being sick first. I will post another part of my long running and increasingly misnamed short story. Unfortunately, other than that I have nothing else ready for you. Please look forward to another installment of my story.
Otherwise, I’m going to focus on trying to get past pain. I’m sorry that this is happening now as I have a lot of writing ideas percolating away in my brain.
I’m hoping that next week will find me feeling better and ready to get more writing on here.
Until then!