Leaving Tomorrow
I know that I haven’t been posting so much as of late. This is largely due to making sure things are taken care of while we’re at Comic Con.
Thankfully I’m at the point that everything’s set up. We have a cat that needs twice daily medication. She’s taken care of. We have two pups that need to be watched. While a hiccup came up with the person that was originally supposed to watch them, we did finally find a place for them to go.
So, now all that’s left is to pack up the pups stuff for their boarding. This is much harder than I thought it would be. When you’re with your dogs every day, leaving them for a period is weird.
And than there’s packing for myself. What to bring, what not to bring… This is going to be tricky and interesting.
And there’s still that lingering anxiety about screwing up and not selling myself. Really it’s the fear of screwing up my dream. It would be my dream to be able to write for a living. Any time one pursues their dream there’s always the fear of it just not working. The fear of being stuck doing mundane tasks for the rest of my life. It becomes more pressing as it gets closer to us leaving for San Diego.
My brain is a muddle of things that need to be done and things that need to happen.
I’m trying to remember that there’s one good way to approach things. It’s the same way I approach Burning Man, have no expectations. Maybe I need to start re-embracing that mentality. Go there with no expectations except to see some neat things and get to learn some awesome new skills. It might help me be less of a nervous wreck and enjoy myself more.