Geek and Sundry and Boardgames
Last night, me and my SO made the brief drive to Palo Alto to go to a free event. I saw it last week on Facebook. Geek and Sundry was putting on an event with Days of Wonder games. The idea is that you were supposed to Beat the Founder of Ticket to Ride. It was held in the AOL offices.
So, I’ll admit, I didn’t know that AOL still existed. After all, I remember AOL from all those free CDs we would get in the nineties. I know they also had AIM, but I didn’t know that they were still around. I think that, to this day, that they might be the only ISP (internet service provider) from that time.
They had provided free food and drink and let us play board games for 4 hours.
It was a lot more fun than I was expecting.
Now, I’ll admit, I am a bigger fan of classic board games than I am of modern games. There’s something about the simplicity of the rules that make them more enjoyable. So, I am limited in my experience with new board games. I gave it a try and wound up having a lot of fun. Granted, that’s partly with the grouping of people that we wound up playing with.
The best part of these events is that we get to meet all sorts of new people. That’s just what happened.
So, we had a lot of fun. The pizza was really tasty. There were plenty of snacks.
The best part was that there was great conversation. That’s what makes things more fun. If you can have great conversation with new people, that’s the greatest reward out of going to those events.
~On a side note: One of the photographers that I posted pictures by for Comic Con and Fanime will be a guest blogger next Monday. He will be sharing his observations of Comic Con and talking about his latest comic book acquisitions.